128 research outputs found

    Silting and cosilting classes in derived categories

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    An important result in tilting theory states that a class of modules over a ring is a tilting class if and only if it is the Ext-orthogonal class to a set of compact modules of bounded projective dimension. Moreover, cotilting classes are precisely the resolving and definable subcategories of the module category whose Ext-orthogonal class has bounded injective dimension. In this article, we prove a derived counterpart of the statements above in the context of silting theory. Silting and cosilting complexes in the derived category of a ring generalise tilting and cotilting modules. They give rise to subcategories of the derived category, called silting and cosilting classes, which are part of both a t-structure and a co-t-structure. We characterise these subcategories: silting classes are precisely those which are intermediate and Ext-orthogonal classes to a set of compact objects, and cosilting classes are precisely the cosuspended, definable and co-intermediate subcategories of the derived category

    Quantity vs. size in representation theory

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    In this note, we survey two instances in the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras where the quantity of a type of structures is intimately related to the size of those same structures. More explicitly, we review the fact that (1) a finite-dimensional algebra admits only finitely many indecomposable modules up to isomorphism if and only if every indecomposable module is finite-dimensional; (2) the category of modules over a finite-dimensional algebra admits only finitely many torsion classes if and only if every torsion class is generated by a finite-dimensional module.Comment: Invited survey to a special issue of the "Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matem\'atica", aimed at a general audience. This work does not contain any new result

    Torsion pairs in silting theory

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    In the setting of compactly generated triangulated categories, we show that the heart of a (co)silting t-structure is a Grothendieck category if and only if the (co)silting object satisfies a purity assumption. Moreover, in the cosilting case the previous conditions are related to the coaisle of the t-structure being a definable subcategory. If we further assume our triangulated category to be algebraic, it follows that the heart of any nondegenerate compactly generated t-structure is a Grothendieck category.Comment: Changes in v2: new Proposition 4.5, weaker assumptions in Lemma 4.8 and some minor changes throughou

    Partial silting objects and smashing subcategories

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    We study smashing subcategories of a triangulated category with coproducts via silting theory. Our main result states that for derived categories of dg modules over a non-positive differential graded ring, every compactly generated localising subcategory is generated by a partial silting object. In particular, every such smashing subcategory admits a silting t-structure